Want to experience the fast-paced lore-hunting adventure in Into the Pit game? If yes, here are the Into the Pit controls (keyboard and gamepad) to help you get started in the game. As a reminder, you can modify these default keys by going to the settings section of Into the Pit.
Into the Pit Controls
Function | Key |
Move Forward | W |
Move Left | A |
Move Backward | S |
Move Right | D |
Jump | Spacebar |
Left Hand Attack | Left Mouse Button |
Right Hand Attack | Right Mouse Button |
Inventory | I |
Interact | E |
Walk | Left Shift |
You can also refer to the visual keyboard controls guide below:
Function | Button |
Movement | Left Analog Stick |
Jump | Y |
Inventory | X |
Left Hand Attack | LT |
Right Hand Attack | RT |
Interact | A |
You can also refer to the visual controller binding below:
Did we miss any Into the Pit keybinding? Please help us improve this guide by leaving your suggestions and feedback below.