La stagione di My Hero Academia 4

Anteprima: Stagione di Boku no Hero Academia 4 Episodio 19

The U.A. School Festival Arc in My Hero Academia anime series has officially started with the release of the previous chapter and fans are now excited to see more of it in La stagione di My Hero Academia 4 Episodio 19. In questa guida, we’ll let you know the release date of the upcoming episode, as well as the sources where you can watch it online.

Il mio eroe accademico

Where is My Hero Academia Season 4 Episodio 19 data aerea?

Stagione di Boku no Hero Academia 4 has been constantly releasing a new episode every Saturday, e detto questo, expect to see Deku and the other U.A. students preparing for the school festival in My Hero Academia Season 4 Episodio 19 SU febbraio 22, 2020.

Dove guardare la stagione di My Hero Academia 4 anime?

All episodes of the fourth season of the top-hit anime My Hero Academia is available from the official partners. These include the unreleased and upcoming episodes of the series. You can watch it from Hulu, Crunchyroll, Animelab, Funimazione, e la corda. Please be reminded that some of the streaming websites mentioned are only available in some regions such as Funimation which is not available outside of the US. You try Hulu or any other official website and see which one works for your region.

La stagione di My Hero Academia 4 Episodio 18 Ricapitolare

Following the events that the Class 1-A experience during the raid against the Yakuza, they are now preparing for the upcoming school festival. While the aspiring heroes are thinking of how to entertain the audience, Midoriya and Mirio have visited Eri in the hospital. Eri’s heart breaks after learning that Sir Nighteye died but the students cheered her up. To continue the good vibes, Midoriya asked Aizawa to let Eri come to the festival which he agreed.

Nel frattempo, the police are facing another threat as a criminal tried to disrupt the peace of the city. The villain named Gentle Criminal, along with his assistant, La Brava was seen on top of the building after robbing a store in town. What are the evil activities that Gentle Criminal plotted against the heroes? Guardare Stagione di Boku no Hero Academia 4 Episodio 19 preview below.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.