Boruto: Naruto Prossime Generazioni

Episodio Boruto 159 Spoiler, Data di rilascio: La cellula di Hashirama

Episodio Boruto 159 is just around the corner and anime fans are now excited to watch the new episode of the series. Following the start of the search for the missing researcher, Boruto and Team 7 managed to locate a suspicious man. Unlike their previous missions, the man that they encountered is a little bit strange due to the qualities that he possessed.

In the upcoming Boruto Episode 159, we will be seeing and learning who this man is. Read on to learn the details of Boruto: Episodio di Naruto Next Generations 159 including the episode’s premiere date, preview, e spoiler. Anche, discover the ways when and where to watch the 159th episode of Boruto anime series.

When is Boruto Episode 159 data della prima?

Boruto is one of the anime that has been getting a lot of attention. Bene, it’s actually not surprising due to the fact that this anime was the sequel of Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto series.

In precedenza, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime series has been put into hiatus due to the Coronavirus outbreak in Japan. Now that things are going back to normal, we are also expecting that the production team will continue releasing brand new episodes of the anime series.

Episodio Boruto 159

As for the upcoming episode, Episodio Boruto 159 verrà rilasciato domenica, agosto 2, 2020. The anime series is being broadcasted in Japan first around 4:30 PM (JST) and after it finished airing, it will be available for online streaming.

Supponendo che tu non risieda in Giappone, you can watch the new episode of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime series as early as the following dates and times.

  • agosto 1 a 3:30 SONO (EDT)
  • agosto 1 a 8:30 SONO (BST)
  • agosto 1 a 7:30 SONO (UTC)
  • agosto 1 a 12:30 SONO (PDT)
  • agosto 1 a 9:30 SONO (CEST)

Where to watch Boruto Episode 159 in linea?

Ukyo Kodachi’s Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime series is available on popular streaming services such as AnimelabCrunchyrollHulu, e la corda. In case that the episode didn’t appear on the slated release date, we recommend checking out the anime’s official website or any related media channels. These sources usually announce the details if there will be an episode delay or schedule changes.

What to expect in Boruto Episode 159?

The upcoming Boruto: Episodio di Naruto Next Generations 159 intitolato “La cellula di Hashirama” will be the continuation of the search for the missing medical researcher. It turns out that the man that they found is Mr. Anato who lost his senses. Nel frattempo, Squadra 7 will face another individual who may have an idea of what happened to Mr. Anato.


Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.