Vieni a casa

Vieni a casa Comandi da tastiera del PC

Come Home is a visual novel game developed by R.J. Rhodes. If you’re planning to experience the excitement of this game, here are the default Come Home controls to help you get started.

Come Home Controls

  • accedereAdvances dialogue and activates the interface.
  • Barra spaziatriceAdvances dialogue without selecting choices.
  • Tasti frecciaNavigate the interface.
  • EscAccess the game menu.
  • CtrlSkips dialogue while held down.
  • SchedaToggles dialogue skipping.
  • Pagina suRolls back to earlier dialogue.
  • Pagina giùRolls forward to the later dialogue.
  • HHides the user interface.
  • STakes a screenshot.
  • vToggles assistive self-voicing.
  • Tasto sinistro del mouseAdvances dialogue and activates the interface
  • Pulsante centrale del mouseHides the user interface.
  • Pulsante destro del mouseAccesses the game menu.
  • Rotellina del mouse in altoRolls back to earlier dialogue.
  • Rotellina del mouse verso il bassoRolls forward to the later dialogue.

Did we miss any Come Home keybindings? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti qui sotto.

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