
Controlli da tastiera per PC Deflector

Developer Arrowfist Games and publisher have officially released their newest roguelite RPG game, Deflettore. With the new experience that the game is offering, players are surely hyped to play Deflector. For those who are just getting started, this guide will show you the complete list of Deflector controls for PC.

Deflector Controls

Prima di iniziare, note that you can change and modify these default Deflector keybindings by going to the Settings > Controls tab. Make sure that you hit the apply button to save the changes that you’ve made.

Andare avantiW
Muovere a sinistraUN
Vai a destraD
attaccoTasto sinistro del mouse
DeviarePulsante destro del mouse
TrattinoBarra spaziatrice
Attacco primarioE
DNA TableScheda
Di ritornoQ
Deflector Controls

Puoi anche fare riferimento allo screenshot completo dei controlli di gioco qui sotto:

And this is everything you need to know about the Deflector controls and shortcuts for PC. Let us know in the comment section below if we missed any key controls for the game or you have any suggestions to improve this guide. Anche, dai un'occhiata al nostro Life is Strange Remastered controls guide per pc.

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