Fortbyte di Fortnite #8 Posizione: Trovato nella guida Junk Junction

Oggi, Fortnite has officially unlocked Sfida Fortbyte #8 where players are tasked to find another chip on the island. Similar to the previous challenges, the title of this task will give you a hint of the location of the missing chip. If you’re looking for Fortbyte #8 patata fritta, ecco dove puoi trovarlo.

Found Within Junk Junction Location Guide

Sfida Fortbyte #8 is called Found Within Junk Junction and as the name says, we can find the chip at Junk Junction. That place is a bit messy and full of piled damaged cars that may give you a hard time to find the chip. Quindi per semplificare le cose, we already got you the exact location of the chip.

All you need to do is head to Junk Junction and enter the building beside the basketball court. Once you’re already inside the building, you can now find the chip which is currently located on top of the mattress near the living room.

Trovato nella guida Junk Junction

E questo è tutto. Just search and collect the chip to complete the mission. Want to complete the remaining Fortbyte challenges? Then make sure to check our Guida di Fortnite directory to get started.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.