This guide will be covering the steps on how to obtain all achievements in Dashing Fire. If you’re one of the 100% achievement hunters, then you surely want to add Dashing Fire to your list.
Before we get started, please note that this guide may contain spoilers for the game. We also divide this guide into a few sections to make it easier to find the achievement you might be struggling with.
Dashing Fire 100% Achievement Guide
World Related Achievement
You’ll get these as you progress through the game’s worlds and reach their end.
Fields of Gold – Complete Fields of Gold.
- Reach the end of the 3rd level in the Fields of Gold.
Lush Lands – Complete Lush Lands.
- Reach the end of the 3rd level in the Lush Lands.
The Crimson Hollow – Complete The Crimson Hollow.
- Reach the end of the 3rd level in The Crimson Hollow.
Tenebrous Sky – Complete Tenebrous Sky.
- Reach the end of the 3rd level in the Tenebrous Sky.
Boss Related Achievement
For each of the worlds, there are 3 possible bosses that can appear after the 3rd level, with the exception of the Tenebrous Sky which only has 2 bosses that appear one after the other.
The Stab – Defeat The Stab
Marma – Defeat Marma.
Celeth – Defeat Celeth.
Hororo – Defeat Hororo.
Lush – Defeat Lush.
Gloop – Defeat Gloop.
The Crimson Sphix – Defeat The Crimson Sphix.
Howla – Defeat Howla.
Zuluth – Defeat Zuluth.
Gollop, The Sun Eater – Defeat Gollop, The Sun Eater.
The Sun – Defeat The Sun.
Challenge Related Achievement
These achievements provide general challenges for the player, mostly related to ways in which you can beat the game.
Pacifist – Complete a level without destroying a single enemy.
- More easily achievable on the first 2 levels of the Fields of Gold, as they are the shortest and with the least amount of enemies on each planet.
From A to Z – Complete the game without taking any Shortcuts.
- Self explanatory. Start at the Fields of Gold and defeat The Sun.
Speed – Complete the game without Shortcuts and in less than 15 minutes.
- Only attempt this after you know each world, the enemies and the best powers to go for first. Try going for a safe strategy where you upgrade the healing card, so you can maybe damage boost through enemies in the last levels and heal multiple hearts at once.
Hearts – Complete the game without Shortcuts and Healing Hearts.
- Caution is key. Be very careful especially on the first levels, upgrade the stars card 3 times on the Fields of Gold to get more sun on the later levels, and hope to find either the Sun’s Shield or Sun’s Resilience power-ups on the first store.
Energy – Complete the game without Shortcuts and without using any Stars.
- Possibly the hardest challenge. I assume this means to beat the game without either buying anything on the store or without choosing the star card after each level. Potentially glitched as I got this one after my first-ever victory, and I definitely did both of the things I said above.
Pure Epic – Complete the game in HARD Mode.
- Beat the game in HARD mode. I assume you need to start at the Fields of Gold, but it might be possible to start at the Tenebrous Sky and still get this one.
Endless – Reach 200 in Endless Mode.
- Self Explanatory. Endless Mode can be accessed by the 5th shortcut in the level select screen. The counter in Endless Mode goes up by 1 every 1.5 seconds, so you’ll need to survive 5 minutes to get this achievement. Personally, I would focus on getting to the half-way mark without taking damage, then just focusing until the end.
Stars Related Achievement
These achievements all have to do with stars.
There are two types of stars in the game:
- In-level stars, which are obtained by killing enemies (10 stars per enemy), opening chests or collecting star flies in dark levels (50 stars each), defeating bosses (300 stars per boss) or choosing the stars card at the end of each level (amount starts at 200 and can be increased by 1.5x per level).
- Lore stars, which are awarded after dying on any level or after defeating The Sun. The amount of stars increases the further the player is on the levels, and for defeating The Sun the player gets around 90 stars. Endless Mode awards no lore stars upon death.
Collector – Possess 10 000 stars.
- You must have 10000 In-level stars at any point of the game. Easier to obtain during The Crimson Hollow or the Tenebrous Sky with a highly upgraded stars card.
Shortcuts – Unlock ALL Shortcuts.
- Use your lore stars to unlock the 4 shortcuts on the level selection screen. The first one costs 20 lore stars, the second costs 30, and the last 2 each cost 50.
Complete Lore – Unlock ALL Lore.
- To get this one, you must use your lore stars to unlock every piece of lore in the LORE section. The full list of lore star costs is as follows:
- Bosses: TBD
- Shadows: TBD
- Powers: 84 lore stars. Areas: TBD