Ecco come puoi far rivivere Kelvin in Sons Of The Forest

Kelvin is dead? Your heart is broken? Don’t be sad my friend! This guide will make Kelvin return to life!

Fare un passo 1

Open up appdata (use the Windows Search Bar and type: %appdata%)

Clic appdata again in the folder path and go to LocalLow -> Endnight -> SonsOfTheForest -> Salva -> (folder with a long number) -> giocatore singolo

Fare un passo 2

What you see right now are all your savegames and you need to enter the most recent folder.

Then open GameStateSaveData with Notepad and locate “IsRobbyDead\”:VERO and change VERO to false. Save and close the window.

Fare un passo 3

Aprire Salvare i dati with Notepad and locate TypeId\”:9 (you can use CTRL + F for quicksearch). Then look through the lines that follow until you find State\”:6 and change 6 a 2.

Scroll down a bit further until you find Health\”:. The number after : needs to be changed to 100.0.

If you’re done, save and close your windows.

Fare un passo 4

Open up your game. Load your most recent save game (the one we edited). Kelvin will be on his GPS tag. That should be the place where he died. Now you can finally hold Kelvin in your arms again!

I made a video too in case you’re more of a visual learner.

Questa guida su Figli Della Foresta è stato scritto da Treppo. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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