Come trovare e catturare Growlithe cromatico e Arcanine cromatico in Pokemon GO

All'inizio di questa settimana, Niantic has announced the new set of Pokemon GO Research Task for this month. Come di solito, there will be a lot of new challenges but what’s interesting right now is that Pokemon GO has also silently released the shiny form of Growlithe.

Following the release of the new Research Task, Pokemon GO players have discovered the shiny version of Growlithe. Tuttavia, finding Shiny Growlithe is a bit different compared to the previous Shiny Pokemon releases.

Secondo il test that has been made by thousands of players, the fastest and easiest way to find and encounter a Shiny Growlithe is by completing the Field Research Task that requires players to Uso 10 Berries to Catch Pokemon. Completing this challenge will guarantee the encounter to a Shiny Growlithe which is in fact a reward this task.

Similar to the other Shiny Pokemon, Shiny Growlithe has a notably ligther orange color compared to a non-shiny Growlithe. Certo, getting a Shiny Growlithe will also mean that players will also receive a Shiny Arcanine once evolved.

Apart from the Shiny Growlithe, Niantic has also confirmed that the Legendary Entei will also have its shiny form during this month. Entei returns to Pokemon GO as a reward for completing this month’s Field Research Task.

Circa l'autore

Blogger di giochi, paracadutista e madre di 2. Uno scrittore part-time e anche un giocatore. Al momento, Gioco solo ai giochi sul PC. Ma chi lo sa, Un giorno potrei comprare una PS4.