Come ottenere un FPS stabile in Dawnlands

A Simple Guide to make FPS More Stable 59-60 Sparatutto in prima persona, Only work for high end VGA/CPU I Think.

FPS Guide for Beginners

  1. Open Steam on your computer
  2. Right Click Dawnlands – Gestire- Sfoglia i file locali
  3. Aprire Dawnlands_Data cartella
  4. Aprire boot.config file

Open that file, and change the command inside to be like this.


Save the changes and exit file.

Prossimo, open Steam again and then Right-click on Dawnlands and select Properties. Add the following line in the Launch Options:

-window-mode exclusive -screen-fullscreen

Next is prioritizing the game process.

  1. Launch Dawnlands
  2. Apri Gestione attività
  3. Go the Details tab
  4. Right-click Dawnlands and hover your mouse to Set priority option
  5. Select priority to High or Realtime option

Another method can be done in-game

  1. Launch Dawnlands
  2. After opening, press the Alt + Enter key on your keyboard to disable fullscreen mode

Using this method usually gain more FPS in-game.

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