Come ottenere il “Cattivo” Risultati a Tvö

This guide will help you obtain the “Cattivo” risultato, which requires you to fall out of the map.

How to achieve the Naughty Achievement

  1. Set your graphics settings to the highest possible level and enable all effects.
  2. Progress through the game normally until you reach the point where you can see the code for the pressure plate puzzle.
  3. Once you see the code, quickly turn around and run back to the previous area.
  4. Due to the fast approach and high graphics settings, the game may not be able to load the ground fast enough, creating a gap for you to fall through.
  5. Fall into the void and respawn in the main room.

After respawning, il “Cattivo” achievement should be unlocked on your account.

Questa guida su Tvö è stato scritto da Knüppel4Victory. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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