Come sbloccare la console di sviluppo UE5 in The Talos Principle 2

Sblocca la console di sviluppo UE con un semplice parametro di avvio, gioca con diversi cvar UE & altre cose divertenti.

UE dev console

If you’re like me the dev console in Talos 1 era sempre pulito da frugare, era un po' triste che non sembrasse incluso in Talos 2.

Looks like that’s not actually the case, you can enable the dev console with a simple launch parameter 🙂

Before continuing I’d recommend backing up your savegame first, you can find that by pressing WinKey+R and entering “%localappdata%\Talos2without quotes, then press enter.

After backing up your save folder somewhere, to enable the console just right click game on Steam, go to properties, and inside the launch options box insert the following

-WhatWouldAthenaDo Destroy

Now when you next launch the game you should see a newLoad Checkpointoption when you try to load the save, and after loading into a save it’ll showCheats Enabledon the top-right.

You can now press your keyboards Tilde key (left of number 1) per aprire la console, from there you can tweak a ton of different UE5 settings, graphics related cvars, special Talos-related settings, eccetera.

Should come in very useful for those who like to tweak their INI files to perfection, since you can easily test your changes at runtime.

Divertiti, and thanks to Croteam for making such a great game, this was another fun puzzle.

Questa guida su Il principio di Talos 2 è stato scritto da Havoc. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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