Torta al limone

Controlli da tastiera per PC Torta al limone

This guide will be showing you the default Lemon Cake keyboard controls for PC. Please note that you can modify these buttons by simply going to the settings menu of Lemon Cake game.

Lemon Cake Keyboard Controls

Azione Chiave
Andare avanti W
Muovere a sinistra UN
Abbassati S
Vai a destra D
Interagire Barra spaziatrice
Sprint E
Pausa R
Recipe 1 1
Recipe 2 2
Recipe 3 3
Recipe 4 4
Recipe 5 5
Recipe 6 6

Did we miss any control keys for Lemon Cake? Please let us know by leaving a comment below and we will do our best to update this Lemon Cake controls guide.

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