Pokémon GO

Pokemon GO smetterà di supportare Android 5, iOS 10, iOS 11, e altro ancora

Indubbiamente, Pokemon GO is still one of the hottest mobile games right now. Dalla sua uscita in 2016, the game has been dominating the mobile gaming world on both iOS and Android devices.

Despite the on-going Coronavirus outbreak, the game is still being one of the most played this year. It’s all thanks to the new updates and features that developer Niantic has been releasing.

While things are doing great for the game, Niantic is cutting off the support for lower devices. This is not the first time that Niantic makes this kind of move. In precedenza, they also released an update that stops supporting Android devices running in 32-bit architecture.

Pokémon GO

Adesso, Pokemon GO developer has announced that apart from the previous update, they are also stopping the support on mobile devices running Android 5, noto anche come lecca-lecca. In aggiunta a ciò, Apple devices running on iOS 10, iOS 11, and even iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 will no longer be supported.

The release of this update is yet to be announced by Niantic. If you are using any of the devices that fall into the categories mentioned above, are you going to get a new phone to continue playing Pokemon GO?

Circa l'autore

Un ambizioso ingegnere elettronico in divenire. Di solito puoi trovarla in biblioteca o in camera da letto mentre gioca al suo gioco preferito Pokemon Sole e Luna. Attualmente vive in Giappone per il suo stage.