Project Downfall

Project Downfall All Ending Guide

This guide will be covering the steps on how you can get all endings in Project Downfall. If you’re one of the players trying to learn the different kind of endings in the game, questo è per te.

Prima di iniziare, tieni presente che questa guida potrebbe contenere spoiler del gioco. Continua a leggere a tuo rischio e pericolo.

Project Downfall Ending Guide

C'è un totale di 12 possible endings in Project Downfall. Below are the details on how you can get them.

Ending A

  • Leave ali alive, kill all witnesses.

Ending B

  • Kill Ali, leave some witnesses alive.

Ending C

  • Leave Harold Jones jr, Pavloch, and Alfred alive, do small time, in “Old friendskill them all and go back to where you started. You should get the ending.

Ending D

  • Fare “Call of dutyand then go to work and do your daily tasks until Ali calls you to go to Arnie’s diner. Accept Ali’s offer and don’t do your daily tasks, instead just go to the exit. Go to the stairs in the train station and not the train, and you will go to the levelGreat timing”. Comply with the Svoloch mobsters all the way and you should get the ending.

Ending E

  • Take a bunch of pills and don’t go to Arlovski. Fare “liberator”. Go to Coudbreak station and everything should be weird in the office. Finish the level and when you are back at your apartment, go to the elevator. You should then get the ending after a short cut scene.

Ending F

  • Take a bunch of pills, nel “Rising Highlevel you should see a hallucination of Olga. kill her and then do the pill ending levels until you reach exodus. after you kill the enemies, there should be a giant fleshy hole to your left. Go in it and proceed with the level.

Ending G

  • Kill all your witnesses. (Ali, Burger King, eccetera.) Finish small time and you should go toold friendswith no-one there. Then you simply walk to the balcony. (this is not a pill ending, don’t go way overboard).

Ending H

  • Do all the levels normally, finishing on small time. Easiest ending in the game.

Ending I

  • Do call of duty, work until you get promoted to level 2. DON’T go to lunch with Ali. Then the Kyon’cha shows up in the exchange level, do the levels, and then dothe setupwhen it appears. you should get to a level called answers or something and yeah you have level 2 access so you can do that.

Ending J

  • Same as ending I, but do liberator instead of Call of Duty. You should getThe exchangeimmediately after clearing liberator.

Ending K

  • (80% Sicuro) Go crazy on pills and right before you dothe interview”. Vai dal Dott. Arlovski. Then the levels should play out. Not sure if you have to kill Ali or witnesses.

Ending L

  • Go crazy on pills. Kill Ali and all witnesses. Fare “The interviewand you should get the ending.

Guida di NoobPlayer64.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.