Where to Find All Memories in Empty Skull

This guide will show you where to find all memories in Empty Skull.

Building at the start of the game

Southwest of the pyramid.


In the northwest of the area, on an island in the river. You can enter the island from the southwest (marked with the arrow).

In the northeast, behind a tree.

In the southeast, next to the letters that spell the wordBRAIN”, behind a bush.


Directly west of the entrance to the area, behind a tree.

In the east, southwest of the cave with the “?” cartello, behind a rock.

Southwest of the previous one, on a small peninsula.


Directly south of the entrance to the area.

During the portal puzzle, the island that you reach when you enter the fourth portal.

Directly east of the entrance to the Snow area.


Northwest of the entrance to the area, northwest of the igloo, behind a tree.

Behind a tree in the centre north, northwest of the cave with the “?” cartello.

The big ice field southeast of the cave with the “?” cartello.


Northwest of the entrance to the area, next to a rock.

There is an igloo at the western edge of the area. Southeast of it is a memory, behind a rock.

The southwestern corner of the area.


Directly north of the entrance to the area, behind a bush.

The last two memories of this area are in the southeastern corner, behind trees.

Che cosa?

In the southwestern corner of the area.

Behind a tree in the northwest, between the red house & attraverso.

Behind the green house in the northeastern corner.

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