
5 MCUでアイアンマンの置き換えが難しい理由

アイアンマンは、マーベル シネマティック ユニバースを大きくしたキャラクターの 1 人です。. トニー・スタークのキャラクターは死にましたが、, MCUでの彼の役割は終わりがなく、終わらせるのは難しいようです.

アイアンマンの交換が難しい理由? ここにある 5 理由!

The First One Is Always Special

The first film and hero character to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Iron Man. Iron Man characters and figures from the comics were not as popular with the general public at the time as Spider-Man, so the first Iron Man film project was a risk.

It will continue if it is popular. If it is not popular, the MCU may not be as large. 結果として, the Iron Man film started a trend for long-lasting superhero films, shared universes, と, もちろん, the after-credits scene.

Robert Downey Jr. Makes Tony Stark Unique

Robert Downey Jr. and Tony Stark’s character have an unusual relationship. This actor is thought to be a good fit for the role of Tony Stark. In the comics, even Tony Stark gradually adopts the style and stature of Robert Downey Jr. from the movies.

Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark performance is distinct andfitting,” making him difficult to replace.

Iron Man Can Appear in Almost Any MCU Film

The Iron Man character is most likely the most well-known hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having appeared in a number of films.

In addition to his film trilogy, he has appeared in four Avengers films, as well as appearing as a guest character in Civil War (which instead became the main character) or Spider-Man: 帰省, even though his influence can still be felt in Far From Home.

This makes the audienceaccustomedto the character of Iron Man, making it extremely difficult to replace him.

Without Tony Stark, There’s No Avengers

Captain America is, 疑いなく, the Avengersleader. 鉄人, 一方で, is the heart of the Avengers, the one who brought this group of heroes together.

Tony Stark and Iron Man also play important roles in the Avengers, so their presence in the MCU is significant. He cannot be replaced by any other character right away. Despite being as close as possible, replacing it appears to be a long way off.

Iron Man Left Fans With an Unforgettable Ending

The four points mentioned above occurred while Tony Stark’s character was still alive, but his death made Tony Stark’s character difficult to replace. 最終的には, Tony Stark’s character demonstrates that he can be a selfless and considerate hero, even considering many other souls across the galaxy in exchange for his life.

Iron Man’s heroic death, combined with his appearances in Avengers: エンドゲーム, renders his character irreplaceable.

Do you enjoy Iron Man? What factors do you believe make Iron Man difficult to replace?


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.