Blasphemous Map for NG+

A simplified Blasphemous map specifically designed for New Game+ items.

Blasphemous map for NG+

This map is designed for players who have already completed Blasphemous but want another run, and need to locate items specifically useful for NG+.

There are many detailed Blasphemous maps around, but they’re それも detailed: for a quick NG+, you don’t need to know where quest items are, or bones, or prayers or relics you already have from earlier runs, you specifically need to locate items that are NOT kept in NG+, but alas, cluttered maps with too much information aren’t very readable.

To that end, this map indicates clearly the location of:

  • Knots of rosary rope
  • Lady of the Six Sorrows apparitions
  • Oil of the pilgrims basins
  • Empty bile vessels
  • Quicksilver
  • Healing herbs
  • Hidden areas

Healing herbs are showed because they eventually provide a rosary rope knot, and hidden areas (found by knocking or sliding under a wall, not unlocked naturally through game progression) are indicated because they’re easy to miss, so why not.

このガイドについて 冒涜的な によって書かれた スイミングプール. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
