CarX ドリフト レーシング オンライン – 入手方法 “羊の中の狼” 成果

このガイドでは, I’ll show you how easy it is to get the achievement “羊の中の狼” and how to getBeginner”, “巡礼者” と “旅行者” at will. 従う 5 easy steps.

This is one of the longest achievements in the game, but I offer a solution. The following steps will help you save time. The method is to have a program script perform actions.


初め, we need to download and install the program Hot keybord pro.

Then we need to go into the game and buy the next carEva MRand put aracingswap.

After we go into network mode, we create a closed room with a map ofセント. Petersburg“.

On the map, select aduel“, for one player“, と “Clipping C“.

Open the game in the window (代替 + 入る), and then the installed program. Import the script into the program.

The last step, we return to the game, press Esc for sure, after the first race you will understand everything 😊. オンにします script (ctrl + 1) and leave the computer for several hours. You will not be able to use the computer during this time, so it is advisable to leave the script when you are AFK or at night.

You also can make your own macros for another achievement like Beginner“巡礼者” と “旅行者”.

このガイドについて CarX ドリフト レーシング オンライン によって書かれた recursive. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
