
Battlestate Games はベータ版ながらゲームの改善を続けています. さまざまなパフォーマンス修正にもかかわらず, Escape From Tarkov には追加の武器庫が追加されます. This has come like a clap of thunder with a recent tweet by Battlestate Games. Escape From Tarkov will collect new armor items, helmets, which are going to serve as a better head protection. Below you can find the tweet.

Escape From Tarkov has been progressing quite a lot lately. でも, we do not know how long will Battlestate Games need to launch Escape From Tarkov entirely. 最近, Battlestate Games has added a lot of new translations, so additional contributors are working on translating the game into their native language.

Do not forget that Escape From Tarkov is also going to include Open World, which gameplay remains to be seen. 今のところ, it has the most solid gunplay a game can offer, and the seriousness among players are on a very high level.


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.