Facebook LiteアプリiOS

Facebook LiteアプリがiOSデバイスで利用可能に

Expensive data cost is usually one of the reasons why people choose lite apps instead of the full app. 私たち全員が知っているように, Lite apps usually use lesser data and resources.

Originally made for countries with a slow internet connection such as the Philippines and Brazil, Facebook Lite has slowly become popular.

Facebook Lite App Data Savings
Facebook Lite App Data Savings

最初は, Facebook Lite app is only available for Android devices, but it seems like Facebook is expanding its target devices as it has now become available on iOS devices too.

This is a good news for iOS users to save data and money, もちろん. しかし残念ながら, it’s not yet available worldwide. 執筆時点, Facebook Lite is only available in App Store Turkey. There’s still no official announcement for the global release of Facebook Lite app, but it is expected to become available worldwide early next year.


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.