
フォートナイト フォートバイト #55: ホーンテッド・ヒルズの場所で見つかりました

Similar to what’s happening in the past few days, players just unlocked a new Fortbyte challenge. 今日, Epic Games has opened Fortbyte challenge #55 where players are tasked to find another electronic chip in the map.

If you’re one of the fans looking to complete this challenge as fast as you can, here’s the chip location for Fortbyte #55.


The new challenge is called ホーンテッド・ヒルズ内で発見 and simply looking at the quest name, it’s obvious that we are about to explore Haunted Hills. While it’s a bit hard to find this little piece of chip in the vast island, we already did it for you and so, let’s head to its location.


To complete Found Within Haunted Hills challenge, all you need to do is follow the pinned coordinate as shown in the screenshot below. The pinned location will bring you to the cemetery and you need to enter the house at the right side of the biggest house. Explore that small house and you will find the chip just right next to a treasure box.

以上です! We already published all of the location guides for the Fortbyte challenges. Make sure to check this リンク for the location guides.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.