
フォートナイトシーズン 8: 荒野, 密林, と雪の巨人の顔の場所 (週 1)

フォートナイトシーズン 8 週 1 is here and one of the challenges that players need to complete is to visit a giant face located in the desert, jungle, and snow.

The giant face in each area can be found in big mountains and since there are lots of possible locations where you can find them, we already searched it for you to help you finish the challenge as fast as possible. 難しい話は抜きにして, here are the giant face locations.

フォートナイトシーズン 8 週 1 Giant Face Locations

Desert Giant Face Location

The first giant face that we need to find is carved in a mountain on the south part of Paradise Palms at the cliff edge where the crown of RVs 位置しています.


Jungle Giant Face Location

The giant face hidden in the jungle can be found on the east part of Sunny Steps.

Fortnite Jungle Giant Face
Fortnite Jungle Giant Face

Snow Giant Face Locations

Last but not least is the giant face carved into a glacier located on the east part of Happy Hamlet. It looks like a chilling giant ice face.

Fortnite Snow Giant Face
Fortnite Snow Giant Face

Still having a hard time finding these giant faces? Here’s a map location to help you find them:

フォートナイトシーズン 8 Giant Face Locations
フォートナイトシーズン 8 Giant Face Locations

This challenge can be completed in one match, but if you can’t finish them in just one go, you still have the option to do it in your next game. Once you already visited all the giant face locations, a notification screen will be shown saying you have successfully completed the challenge.



Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.