Google スタジアム

Google Stadia が 1 月にサービス終了 2023

Google Stadia は、ビデオ ゲームをプレイできるプラットフォームの 1 つです。. での発売以来、 2019, ゲーム コミュニティは、Google が他の巨人と競争することを望んでいます。. でも, フィル・ハリソンのようにすべてが計画どおりに進まなかったようです, Stadia 副社長兼ゼネラル マネージャー, announced that Stadia will be discontinuing its service early next year.

The Stadia shutdown announcement was revealed in a ブログ投稿 published earlier today. 詳細によると, Stadia players will still be able to access Stadia’s game library until January 18, 2023. While this is bad news, Google will be offering a full refund for all Stadia purchases made through the Google Store. 加えて, all game and in-game content purchased via the Stadia Store will also be refunded.

There is no specific timeframe when you will receive the refund. でも, they are expecting that most of the refunds will be made by mid-January 2023. The Google Stadia team has also expressed their gratitude and appreciation to everyone who supported the project.


ゲームブロガー, スカイダイバーとその母親 2. 兼業ライター兼ゲーマー. 今のところ, 私はPCでしかゲームをしません. しかし、誰が知っていますか, いつかPS4買うかも.