Death's Door


Developer Acid Nerve’s newest action role-playing game managed to become one of the most played games since its release on PC and consoles. The game has a good story and plot, and if you love this kind of genre, you should definitely jump into the world of Death’s Door. But before you start playing the game, here’s how much time you need to spend to finish the main story of Death’s Door.

How long to beat Death’s Door?

According to the recent survey, the main story of Death’s Door will take around 7 hours to complete. But just like any other game, Death’s Door comes with some extras such as achievement and trophy collections.

パソコン上, players will be able to earn a total of 24 実績. そうは言っても, completionists players will need to spend around 13 hours to get 100% ゲームの完成. Why does it take a total of 13 時間? It’s because you need to play some of the extras of Death’s Door where you can unlock the achievements. For Death’s Door’s main story and extras, players have been completing it within 9 and a half hours.

ご覧のように, Death’s Door is one of the longest games that have been released this month of July 2021. While Death’s Door is already a long game, the total game time of オークは死ななければならない 3 is way longer, especially for completionist players.


キング氏はカナダの IT 企業の元従業員です. 彼は今、家業に取り組んでいます. 彼はゲームと文章を書くことも大好きです.