
視野を変更する方法 (視野) 森の中

Ever wanted to play with an FOV higher than 95? This guide will show you how to increase or lower the FOV limits in The Forest.


このガイドでは, I will demonstrate how to adjust the FOV limit in The Forest. デフォルトでは, the FOV is capped at a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 95 度. If you wish to use values beyond this range, you’ll need to modify the game files.

Installing dnSpy

To modify the FOV limit, you will need to edit the game files using dnSpy.

始める, visit the latest release of dnSpy and scroll down to find the download links. クリック “dnSpy-net-win64.zipand extract all the files to a folder of your choice. You can delete these files once you’re finished with the fix.

次, launchdnSpy.exeto proceed with the following steps.

Opening the Game Files

今, we’ll open the game file that requires editing.

Locate your “森” game directory and navigate to: The Forest/TheForest_Data/Managed.

You can access the game directory by right-clicking on The Forest in Steam, selecting Properties, clicking on the Local Files tab, and choosing Browse.

Within theManaged” フォルダ, you’ll find numerous .dll files. The only file you need to edit isAssembly-CSharp.dll”.

Drag and drop this file into dnSpy to open it.

Editing the FOV limits

Now we’ll delve into the trickier part of the process. We will be editing the code responsible for limiting the FOV values in the menu.

初め, we need to locate the correct class that handles mouse input. This class is calledMenuOptions.

To find this class, navigate to the left side of dnSpy underAssembly-CSharp” -> “Assembly-CSharp.dll” -> “{ } -” -> “MenuOptions.

次, we need to decompile and edit the method calledCopySettingsFromGUI().” これを達成するには, expand the MenuOptions class and right-click onCopySettingsFromGUI().” コンテキストメニューから, 選択する “Edit Method (C#)…”

In the new popup window, you will now be able to edit the code. Look for the following code line, which should be around line 160:

These values represent the limits for the FOV slider. The right value (デフォルト 60) corresponds to the minimum FOV, while the left value (デフォルト 35) represents the range. By adding these two values together, you obtain the maximum FOV value (60 + 35 = 95).

Suppose we want to set a new minimum FOV of 90 and a maximum of 130. その場合, we need to adjust the minimum (right value) に 90 and the range to 40 (90 + 40 = 130) 次のように:

After editing these values, クリック “Compilelocated at the bottom right of the popup.

でも, we’re not done yet. We need to repeat this procedure for another function.

今回, we want to editOnChangePreset().” それを右クリックして選択します “Edit Method (C#)” もう一度.

Scroll down and locate the following line of code, which should be around line 470:

Simply insert the same values you used before (90 と 40 in our example). Once you’ve made the changes, クリック “Compileat the bottom right.

The final step is to save the changes you made. Click on the save button in the toolbar, as shown in the image below:

And click “わかった” on the upcoming dialog:

このガイドについて によって書かれた LNX. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
