Waven で完璧なビルドを作成する方法

Many classes, many heroes, diverse equipment and companionsand now, how to build your setup? Calm down (breathe), don’t panic.

This is a quick guide on how you can use Waven Creator to find your builds. Waven Creator is an online tool for building and researching builds for Waven!

How to start

がある two ways for you to find the perfect build for your hero:

  • Find one that’s already created and tested by another player (おすすめされた)
  • Evaluate all the possibilities of in-game resources (高度)

For both cases, you’ll use a website called Waven Creator.

This is a catalog site for items and builds in the game.

Players add the builds they’ve created for their characters here, and you can simply view all the equipment, companions, and spell decks that make up the build. Just give it a try and experiment.

How to find a build

Within the site, に行く builds page.

左側に, you can choose the hero you’re currently playing. さらに下へ, you can also choose a game mode, such as PvP and PvM.

Pick the icon of the hero you enjoy playing the most and take a look at the build suggestions that other players have already created and tested.

You might not have all the items for that build, but by using the spell deck and reading further down in the strategy section, you can learn how to behave with that hero.

Some builds also have ビデオ that you can watch gameplay from, which is amazing for those who are going to play PvP!

How to create your build

There are many equipment pieces and companions that aren’t listed on the in-game screen. この場合, although it’s a bit more laborious, it’s also rewarding to go through each item in the website’s catalog and explore all the possibilities.

There are items that increase your character’s attributes and items that increase your companion’s attributes.

The Waven interface is wonderful, and the site provides shortcuts in a very practical and fast way. It’s easier to search, 読む, understand, and find all the game items directly on the website than in the actual game.

このガイドについて Waven によって書かれた conradosaud. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
