今年のUndertale Genocideファイルを削除する方法

A guide on how to permanently erase the sys_information_962 and sys_information_963 files from both your computer and Steam Cloud.


If you’re reading this guide, you SOMEHOW lost your soul to a small child and would like to get it back without any signs of it ever happening, but none of the methods online have been working for you. Thankfully it’s still possible to get rid of sys_info_962 and sys_info 963 and it’s not all that much harder than it used to be!


あなたが始める前に, there’s a few things you’re going to need to do.

Steam ID and the App ID Folder

まず最初に, you’re going to need your Steam ID. You can find this by clicking your username at the top right corner of Steam, and then clicking onAccount Settings”. On the account settings page, your Steam ID will be directly under your username.

これとともに, we can find the Undertale App ID folder. On your computer, open the File Explorer, クリック “このパソコン” in the menu on the left, and then choose your C Drive. ここから, open “プログラムファイル (x86)” , “蒸気” その後 “Userdata”. In this menu, you’ll have to pick the folder that matches your Steam ID. ついに, find the folder called “391540” そしてそれを開く. We’ll come back to this folder later, just leave it open for now.


In a separate File Explorer window, click the bar at the top and type in %appdata% and hit enter. This will take you to theRoaming” フォルダ. In the bar that you typed %appdata% in earlier, クリック “アプリデータ” to go to the AppData folder, そして、 “地元” フォルダ, and then find theUNDERTALE” フォルダ. 以前と同じ, we’ll come back to this folder later, so just leave it open for now.

Downgrading Undertale

ついに, all that’s left is to downgrade your copy of Undertale to an older version. In Steam, right click on Undertale, そしてクリックしてください “プロパティ”, In this menu, クリック “ベータ版” その後 “Beta Participation”. 選ぶ “old_version_100old_version_100and Steam will automatically install version 1.0 of Undertale. This will be very important, and is kinda the whole reason this method even works.

Avoiding Consequences by Deleting the Files

With all the prerequisites out of the way, we can finally start work on getting your soul back.

Corrupting your Steam Cloud Data

まず最初に, exit out of Steam completely. Once that’s done, に戻る 391540 folder we found earlier, and open the remote folder from within it. Inside you’ll either see a file calledsys_information_962” また “sys_information_963”, depending on whether you sold your soul to Chara or not. It doesn’t matter which one you got though, the process is still the same regardless. Open the file with Notepad. If the file has text in it, completely erase it, If it’s empty, add any text to it that you’d like. Save your changes, and close the file.

次, に戻る 391540 ファイル, and delete the file calledremotecache.vdf”, and then open Steam. If you see that Undertale has aFile Conflict”, you’re on the right track. Try to launch Undertale, and Steam will pop up a warning stating that there’s aCloud Conflict”. 何かをする前に, に戻る 391540 フォルダ, and delete everything in it, and then go back to the Cloud Conflict menu and choose theLocal Save” オプション, and hit continue. This will get rid of the file that’s been replacing your sys_information_962 or sys_information_963 file every time you delete it, but we’re still not done yet.

Getting Rid of Genocide For Good

To finish things up, right click on Undertale and click on “プロパティ” また. In the General menu, disable theKeep save games in the Steam Cloud for Undertaleoption off, and then exit out of Steam again. を削除します 391540 folder in it’s entirety, and then the UNDERTALE folder you found during the beginning of the guide. スチームを開く, and go back to the Betas menu from earlier, そして選択してください “なし”.

All that’s left is to load Undertale, make it to the first save point, and save the game. Close Steam, を有効にする “Keep save games in the Steam Cloud for Undertale” オプション, 以上です! You successfully conned a small child out of the soul you promised them!

Avoiding Consequences without Deleting the Files

If you don’t care about getting rid of the sys_information_962 or sys_information_963 files and just want to play through Undertale without the consequences of Genocide, there is an easier way to do so, and you can completely avoid the steps in the previous section.

In the UNDERTALE folder, find the sys_information_962 or sys_information_963 file and right click it, そして選択 “プロパティ”. そこから, クリック “安全” そして、 を押します “編集…” 下 “Group or user names” 選ぶ “SYSTEMand then underPermissions forSYSTEMcheck deny for each option. プレス “申し込み” その後 “わかった” 一番下にある, これで完了です. No more Genocide for you!

As a side note though, if you ever uninstall and reinstall Undertale, or attempt to delete the files, you’ll need to go through this process again.


This guide is a modified version of Tom Fawkesguide from November 13, 2015, updated to work with the current version of Steam and Undertale. Without his guide, this wouldn’t have been possible.

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