Windows でハイ コントラストを有効または無効にする方法 7?

To enable or disable high contrast on Windows 7, 次の手順に従う必要があります:

  1. Click on the Start button and typeEase of Access Centerinto the search box.
  2. Click on the Ease of Access Center option that appears in the search results.
  3. In the Ease of Access Center window, クリックしてください “Make the computer easier to see” オプション.
  4. Scroll down to theHigh Contrastsection and click on theTurn on high contrast” オプション.
  5. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to turn on high contrast. クリックしてください “はい” button to enable high contrast.
  6. To disable high contrast, repeat the same steps, but in step 4, クリックしてください “Turn off high contrastoption instead.

After you have enabled or disabled high contrast, you may need to log out of your account and log back in for the changes to take effect. High contrast mode can make it easier for people with visual impairments to see the screen by changing the colors and contrast of text and graphics. It can also make it easier for people who are sensitive to bright lights to use the computer.

What is high contrast mode?

  • High contrast mode is a setting that can be enabled on a computer to make it easier for people with visual impairments to see the screen. It changes the colors and contrast of text and graphics on the screen to make them more distinct and easier to read.

Why is high contrast mode useful?

  • High contrast mode can be useful for people with visual impairments, such as low vision or color blindness, because it can make it easier for them to see and read text on the screen. It can also be helpful for people who are sensitive to bright lights, as it can reduce glare and make the screen easier on the eyes.

How do I enable high contrast mode on Windows 7?

To enable high contrast mode on Windows 7, 次の手順を実行します:

  • Click on the Start button and typeEase of Access Centerinto the search box.
  • Click on the Ease of Access Center option that appears in the search results.
  • In the Ease of Access Center window, クリックしてください “Make the computer easier to see” オプション.
  • Scroll down to theHigh Contrastsection and click on theTurn on high contrast” オプション.
  • A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to turn on high contrast. クリックしてください “はい” button to enable high contrast.

Can I customize the high contrast settings?

はい, you can customize the high contrast settings on Windows 7 次の手順に従ってください:

  • Click on the Start button and typeEase of Access Centerinto the search box.
  • Click on the Ease of Access Center option that appears in the search results.
  • In the Ease of Access Center window, クリックしてください “Make the computer easier to see” オプション.
  • Scroll down to theHigh Contrastsection and click on theSet up high contrast” オプション.
  • の中に “High Contrast Settings” 窓, you can select from a variety of different high contrast themes, or you can customize your own theme by selecting specific colors for text, 背景, and hyperlinks.
  • Once you have selected or customized your high contrast theme, クリックしてください “申し込み” 変更を保存するボタン.

Can I enable high contrast mode for just one application?

はい, you can enable high contrast mode for just one application on Windows 7 次の手順に従ってください:

  • Open the application that you want to enable high contrast mode for.
  • Press the Left Alt + 左方移動 + Print Screen keys on your keyboard at the same time.
  • A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to turn on high contrast for just this application. クリックしてください “はい” button to enable high contrast.
  • To disable high contrast for just this application, repeat the same steps and click on the “いいえ” button instead.


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