
Phasmophobia で VR ヘッドセットを使用するときにマイクを修正する方法

Phasmophobia は、仮想現実でさらに楽しめる没入型ゲームです (VR). でも, some users have reported issues with the Oculus Quest microphone not working in the in game chat. If you’re facing this problem, here’s a simple guide to help you resolve it.

Step by Step Guide On How I Fixed My Oculus Quest Microphone Issue in Phasmophobia

1. Launch Phasmo In Standard Mode (Do Not Launch VR Mode):

2. While In The Main Menu Navigate To Options:

3. After Selecting The “オプション” タブ, Select Audio

4. Find The “オーディオ” Section And Adjust Microphone Settings To Your Oculus Quest VR/Any Other Headset You May Be Using As The Default Microphone.

5. 変更を適用

You May Now Enjoy Phasmophobia In VR

Additional Tips:

Make sure your Oculus Quest firmware and Phasmophobia are up to date.
Check your Oculus Quest microphone permissions.
Restart your Oculus Quest headset if the issue persists.


これらの手順に従うことで, you should be able to resolve the Oculus Quest microphone issue in Phasmophobia. Enjoy the game with fully functional in-game chat during your VR experience!

このガイドについて 毒物恐怖症 によって書かれた Jackie Paper. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
