取得する方法 “シドマイヤーの溝掘りシミュレーター” Sid Meier's Civilization VI での実績

This achievement may sound easy, but finding a suitable location in a real game can be difficult, and no one wants to throw an entire game with horrible city placement just for a single achievement. This guide will show you the easiest way to unlock this achievement, save for modding.

Game Setup

地図: True Start Location Europe
Civ: Russia
Era: 情報
スピード: オンライン
Disable Barbarians
Remove every possible civ slot, fill the only AI slot with England.
Disable all win conditions except Domination

Unlocking the Achievement

You can choose to play normally, but I recommend these steps:

Settle your capital where you spawn. Produce builders or military engineers to be able to chop forest in next two cities or contribute to canal production.

Delete your military; they bleed gold and won’t be needed.

You must settle your next two cities like so

For the single Canal districts, use military engineers to boost production.

For the Panama Canal wonder, I recommend having the East city build it as there is forest to the East which can be chopped to boost production.


You should be able to complete it within 15 minutes only producing builders/military engineers in the capital and producing the district/wonder in the Southern cities.

このガイドについて Sid Meier's Civilization VI によって書かれた slushfund. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
