
Can’t beat the broom races with the default settings? Is the broom clunkier than a toddler with a walker? Are you beyond done with Imelda sneering at you? Try these settings.

Settings Adjustment

Try the following adjustments as shown in the picture below.

  1. Go to the settings menu and choose Gameplay Options.
  2. Turn Camera Acceleration to 0.
  3. Set Follow Camera Speed to the maximum (1.5).

I also adjusted Camera Sensitivity to the maximum (2), but keep in mind that this might be too much depending on your preferences.

Turning Aiming Acceleration to 0 might also help.

それでおしまい, that’s the guide. These settings helped me win the broom races, そしてできれば, they will help you too. (For your information, I use a mouse and keyboard, so I’m not sure if players using controllers will find this useful as well.)

Extra Tips for the Broom Races

  1. Try to hit at least one bubble between each hoop/circle.
  2. Boost when you’re not powered by the bubbles.
  3. In the final race, you can skip the third hoop from the finish line for a penalty of 3 秒. When flying up from the chasm/bridge, fly directly across the stream and building, make a sharp left, and hit the second-to-last hoop. The game will warn you that you’re leaving the course, but you will rejoin it in time. I found it easier to fly in a straight line and aim left, and take the time penalty, rather than steering right to get that hoop, それから去った. This only works if you’ve hit all the other hoops in the course and have enough time remaining to take the penalty.
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