Steam の実績のロックを解除する

Steam ゲームのすべての実績を即座にロック解除する方法

Video game achievements are one of the bonus features that video game developers have been adding to their games. While these are optional, many players are still grinding to obtain all achievements in every game that they play. Some games are offering story-related achievements, which are being unlocked as soon as you progress through the game. でも, there are some game achievements that require extra effort to obtain. If you’re one of the players who are having a hard time obtain an achievement or simply just want to unlock all Steam achievements, このガイドはあなたのためのものです.

始める前に, please note that this guide involves third-party software. If you’re worried that Steam will give you the ban hammer, we recommend that you stop reading from here. 現時点で, there hasn’t been a single report of a ban. 加えて, there is nothing in Steam’s user agreement that talks about achievements.

How to Instantly Unlock Steam Achievements

  1. Log in to your Steam account.
  2. 最新バージョンをダウンロードしてください Steam Achievements Manager.
  3. Extract the downloaded file on your desktop.
  4. Open the file named SAM.Picker.exe.
  5. Once the program is opened, you should be seeing the list of games that you own in your Steam library.
  6. Double-click the icon/logo of the game that you want to unlock the achievements.
  7. A new window with a complete list of achievements will open up.
  8. To unlock the achievements, simply check the box next to the achievement logo and click theCommit Changesbutton located in the upper right corner of the window.
  9. After clicking the button, you should see a notification from Steam that you have unlocked the achievements.

In addition to the unlock achievement feature of Steam Achievements Manager, you can also remove the achievement from your account by simply unchecking the box and hitting theCommit Changesbutton again.


キング氏はカナダの IT 企業の元従業員です. 彼は今、家業に取り組んでいます. 彼はゲームと文章を書くことも大好きです.