PAYDAY で手榴弾を適切に使用する方法 3

This guide is for those who wish to get in onto the most efficient way of using their explosives.

The situation at hand

Sometimes the simplest options available to you are the best. Sometimes you want to clear up some space for you and your crew. And sometimes you just want to send an entire SWAT van worth of helmets flying sky high in a spectacular fashion. わかった. And this guide is here to help you with all of those things.

Weapons of choice

In case it was not yet transparent enough, these two are your best friends.

Throw grenade, it goes boom. Hold it longer, it goes boom faster. Tale old as time.

One grenade from this bad boy’s enough to wipe out a whole squad of cops. You get six. Do the math.

Skill lineup

This is where the actual magic happens. The skill system provides you with a usefull array of skills that will help you, but most important is this one row in particular, appropriately named


You obviously need the base skill for everything else to work, which comes with a bombastic boon of itself:

explosions caused by your shots or throwables have their area of effect increased by 20%.

Nobody likes waiting, so for that sweet, sweet instant gratification equip the OVERCOOKED スキル.

Any throwable or weapon you use that has an explosive component will no longer run on a timer but will immediately explode on impact with environment or an NPC.

The next very important skill is called COOKER.

Whenever you hold a throwable for at least 1.5 seconds before throwing it, 得 度胸.

This is important because we are going to use it with conjunction with the skill absolutely crucual to your survival.

私は, もちろん, talking about the BLAST SHIELD.

Available 度胸 is consumed to negate any damage you would normally recieve from explosions caused by you.

You can probably see, where this is going, but just in case, let me explain.

The explosives in this game have absolutely insane range and damage values for self-harm. One grenade is capable of knocking off a really good chunk of your armor AND health. This skill combination helps you avoid getting your face blown off in exchange for slowing down the rain of fire and clouds of shrapnel.

And naturally we want more explosive hot potatoes to toss around, so definitely go for


Your throwable capacity is increased by 2.Pretty much self-explanatory.

A few extra helpful skills

The euphoria of blowing the police forces sky high will only last so long if you quickly run dry. So here’s a couple things to help you with that.


Throwables you use have a 20% chance to be replenished after they are destroyed.

Pure black magic, you just have to either be lucky, believe in the heart of the cards or pray to our Lord and Savior RNGesus.


As long as you have EDGE, ammo drops have a 10% chance of replenishing one of your throwables.

This requires investing 2 points into Ammo Specialist, some free space in your ammo pocket and one of the things mentioned above.


Interacting with any ammo bag will restore an additional 20% ammo and fully restock your throwables.Your last resort when all else fails and you manage to somehow run out of juice. Just make sure there is, 実際には, any ammo bag to interact with.

Gameplay loop

Explosives in this game are an absolute scam, only suitable for two possible scenarios. Either you got stuck in geometry and need a way to promptly get arrested, or you really, really need those grenade launcher kills challenges done. So what you do instead is you take all those grenades and launchers and throw them into the trash where they belong.

You then proceed to go for this little lineup below (lockpicking skill optional) and start tossing those knives like it’s the zombie apocalypse and the SWAT teams are out for your precious gray matter. Keep those extra throwables on and get rid of FRUGAL THROWER as it is completely unnecessary.

This saves you a lot of trouble and armor/medic bags, gives you unlimited one-hit kill utility weapon (provided your aim is on point) and save you more than one skill point to invest somewhere more useful than demolitionist.

Like it or hate it, but please share the message of throwing knife superiority.

このガイドについて 給料日 3 によって書かれた Little Fox. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
