サイバーパンクであらゆるスキルの最大レベルに素早く到達する方法 2077

の 2.0 アップデートによりゲームに大きな変更が加えられました, 一部の成果を得るのが難しくなる. 現在、より挑戦的な成果の 1 つは、 “10 のうち 10” 業績. The update introduced new skills with up to 60 レベル, meaning to achieve this accomplishment, レベルに到達する必要があります 60 in one of the skills. 理論的には, it’s achievable during a regular playthrough, but if you played the base game before or are playing with the expansion for the first time and somehow didn’t unlock this achievement, you now face a challenge. The following guide shows how to quickly and easily unlock this achievement, along with a few others.

Farming Spot

Go to the location indicated on the map:

この場所で, there are several soldiers from Beregost and a lot of civilians. Attack the soldiers on the right side first (as shown in the video below), and the civilians will flee. The fight with them is not easy, so it’s best to start farming them towards the end of the expansion’s story when your character is strong enough.

You can repeat this fight many times. Just defeat all of them, go to the fast travel point, teleport to any location, and then come back here. The Beregost soldiers will respawn. One attempt gives about 5-6 thousand XP to the skill you’re developing, depending on your playstyle. If you want to enhance theshinobi” スキル, then fight as shown in the video; それ以外は, choose a fighting style that suits you.

Some Advice

  • Playing on a hard level in this video. I’d recommend switching to an easy difficulty for smoother farming.
  • If you want to level up theshinobi” スキル, try to finish off as many enemies as possible with a finishing blow. It gives more experience.
  • Collect all possible items. これをしないと, the game may start lagging or even crash. Resetting the game removes uncollected items, improving performance so you can continue farming.
  • Watch out for snipers and eliminate them first.


このガイドについて サイバーパンク 2077 によって書かれた mg-mat. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
