

This guide will be covering the steps on how you can level up in My Singing Monsters. If you’re one of the players who are stuck after reaching level 10 and having a hard time increasing your level, this guide will surely help you ramp up your levels quickly and efficiently.

始める前に, let me tell you the benefits of leveling up. Starting at level 30, you will be able to unlock new items. 加えて, you will also be getting more in-game bonuses and more upgrades.

Leveling up in My Singing Monsters is probably one of the most important things a player can do. It allows you to:

  • Unlock more decorations
  • Gain access to certain structures, such as the Mini-Mine and Hotel
  • Unlock more islands (Magical Islands, Wublin Island, 等)
  • Breed/Buy new monsters

今, early on, leveling isn’t too much of an issue. You can get to level 15 in a week or two. Then you hit a bit of a roadblock. Getting from level 15 水平にする 16 費用 1.2 million experience. It only gets worse from there. The farther you level up, the harder it getsto the point where millions upon millions of experience to gain a single level. うわぁ.

今, 心配しないで – このガイドでは, I’ll walk you through the most optimal ways for you to level up. You’ll unlock all the things you need in no time – と, you might learn a few tricks along the way. Now let’s get started, しましょうか?

方法 #1 – Making Food

Now this one is quite simpleyou’ll be able to do it right from the beginning. Baking not only produces a hefty amount of experience each day, but it also provides you with food needed to level up your monsters.

In the first few levels (1-10), baking isn’t really needed for levelingyou’ll need the food more. でも, once you reach level 15 and beyond, you need much, much more in order to progress. That’s when you start baking.

Here’s what you should be baking, and when you should be baking it:

Pie is available with the large bakery at level 15. 費用がかかります 500,000 coins to bake one, and it will provide 250,000 exp in 12 時間. I suggest you continuously bake this until level 17.

次, we have the Turkey. ために 1,000,000 コイン, it produces 500,000 exp in 24 時間. This is really good, especially early on. I suggest you use this until level 20.

その後, we have the Cake. ために 5,000,000 コイン, it produces 2,500,000 exp in 48 時間. This is also the most cost-efficient option for making food, since you’ll also gain 500,000 of it in those 48 時間. Use this until you hit level 23.

ついに, we have the Big Salad. It costs twice as much as the Cake, and it also produces 2x as much exp in the same amount of time. The only downside to this is that it produces only 1.5x as much food as the Cake – それで, if you’re trying to grind out food, use the Cake instead. Bake this from level 23 and beyond.

方法 #2 – Placing Monsters

Placing monsters is another simple way to gain Expall you need is time and patience.

今, there’s two different types of monsters you should be doing this method withQuad Elementals and Wubbox.

For Quad Elementals

Quad Element monsters produce 110,000 exp when placed, and can be sold for a hefty sum of coins as well. It’s best to breed, hatch, 場所, then sell them.

To make this as efficient as possible, breed a rare quad with a normal quad. This ensures that you get a quad each time, without the risk of breeding a triple/single element monster.

今, for Wubbox

Wubbox gives a TON of experience when placed. I don’t mean a few hundred thousand, or maybe a couple million. Nah. Wubbox produces 37,500,000 experience when placed (excluding wublin island.) This tops literally every other monster, which is absolutely insanealthough, there’s a bit of a downside.

通常は, Wubbox costs 75,000,000 コイン. それは… super expensive. でも, there is a bit of a trick. 分かりますか, every now and then, Wubbox goes on sale – 50% オフ, to be exact. つまり, for only 37,500,000 コイン, you’ll gain enough exp to blow through most of the early levels (25-33). To put it simply, save your coins for when Wubbox goes on sale. When the sale comes around, buy as many as you can, and watch your level skyrocket!

方法 #3 – Placing Decorations

Decorating your island is one of the many features of My Singing Monstersand a very important one at that. Not only can they make your island look very stylish, but they can also help you gain some levels as well!

Similarly to monsters, decorations produce quite a bit of exp when placeda key difference between them is that it takes much less timeand it’s very expensive.

The Jarhead (レベル 21), Ambered Thing (レベル 22), and Floofy Nest (レベル 24) all cost 25 million coins, そして生産する 6,250,000 exp upon being placed. If you can afford them, they can greatly speed up your leveling through levels 21-30.

Next up is the Inverdigus Fern (レベル 25). Compared to the last 3 装飾品, it only costs 10 million more. お返しに, you’d gain 8,750,000, making it quite a bit faster to purchase these over the past options.

Now we move on to the big onethe one, 唯一の, Tub Fountain!

This monstrosity of a decoration costs a whopping 50 million coins, making it the most expensive decoration in-game. でも, the price is well worth the investmentit gives double the amount of exp that the first three give, totaling to 12,500,000 経験値! If you can afford it, どうぞ, buy a ton! でも, just warning you in advanceunless you’re trying to level up past level 30 (or you have avery strange taste in island decoration?), it is not recommended that you buy the Tub Fountain.

What’s past level 30?

今, I bet some of you are wondering why I said not to go past level 30 – I’ll explain it right here.

レベルに達したら 30, two things happen:

  • You unlock the last two decorations
  • You gain access to monikers, and you receive theApprentice Handlermoniker.

For those who are wonderingmonikers are a special title that can be obtained by leveling up to level 30 and beyond. Whenever someone visits and views your island, they’ll see your moniker at the top corner of your screen. 何かあれば, it’s more of a flex. レベルに達したら 75 (which will take several billion experience, mind you), you’ll obtain the hard-to-getCelestial ChroniclerMoniker (alongside another reward for getting that far). It could take weeks, 月, また (more than likely) years to reach that far.

I personally suggest not focusing on leveling after reaching level 30. でも, the choice is entirely yourswanna have the ultimate flex on the rest of the community? どうぞ! そうでない場合? That’s fine too! Do whatever makes you happy.

ガイド Dracotroll.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.