Pokémon GO 旧正月にはシャイニーなポチエナが登場, 3× スターダストなど

As part of the Chinese New Year celebration, Niantic has just announced Pokemon GO Lunar New Year Event featuring select Pokemon and triple Stardust.

発表通り, Pokemon GO Lunar New Year event will be available worldwide starting today through February 17. During the two days global event, Pokemon GO fans will frequently encounter these Pokemon in the wild:

  • ポチエナ
  • 成長する
  • Snubbull
  • イーブイ
  • Electrike

Along with these spawns activation of the 3x Stardust bonus for catching the listed Pokemon above. 興味深いことに, the Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day Event 2018 has been extended for another 24 時間.

Similar to the Pokemon GO Valentine’s Day event, fans can also get a chance to catch another shiny Pokemon in the wild. As reported, trainers have started encounter the shiny variant of Poochyena. This claim has been verified and proven so make sure to catch it while you still have a chance.


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.