
彼女、お借りします エピソード 12 発売日

彼女、お借りします エピソード 12 すぐそばです. Following the release of the previous episode, we are now heading to the episode finale of the first season of Kanojo, Okarishimasu anime series.

ご存じない方のために, the first season of the anime adaptation of Kanojo, Okarishimasu will only have a total of 12 エピソード. This only means that the upcoming episode will be the last for this season.

Given the fact that it will be the final episode, you surely don’t want to miss watching it. そう, when will be the release of the final episode of Kanojo, Okarishimasu Season 1 anime?

彼女、お借りします エピソード 12

彼女、お借りします エピソード 12 発売日

執筆時点, there has been no announcement for any delay or schedule changes for the upcoming episode finale of Kanojo, Okarishimasu. そうは言っても, expect to watch Kazuya and Chizuru on their final episode of the first season in Rent-a-Girlfriend Episode 12 on Saturday, 9月 26, 2020, 正確に 12:25 午前 (日本時間).

Note that we are using Japan Standard Time since this is the originating country of the episode. To avoid any confusion, we have converted it into your local timezone. Below are the estimated release timeframes of Rent-a-Girlfriend Episode 12 in EDT, BST, PDT, CEST, は, and AEST.

  • 9月 25, 2020, で 11:25 午前 (EDT)
  • 9月 25, 2020, で 4:25 午後 (BST)
  • 9月 25, 2020, で 8:25 午前 (PDT)
  • 9月 25, 2020, で 5:25 午後 (CEST)
  • 9月 25, 2020, で 8:55 午後 (は)
  • 9月 26, 2020, で 1:25 午前 (AEST)

彼女、お借りします エピソード 12 Online Streaming

いつものように, you can watch Kanojo, Okarishimasu Episode 12 online by streaming it on the official partners such as Crunchyroll and VRV. Join Kazuya and Chizuru on their last episode titledConfession and Girlfriend”.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.