Samurai Shodown

Samurai Shodown Update 2.424 Xbox シリーズ X および S のパッチノート

開発者兼パブリッシャーの SNK は、アクション ゲームの最新パッチを公開しました, Samurai Shodown. 新しいサムライスピリッツのアップデート 2.424 was released specifically for the Xbox Series X and S of the game.

According to the official release notes shared by the developer on ツイッター, パッチ 2.424 is mainly a bug fix update. This update addressed the issue related to a game shutdown. これから離れて, the new patch also makes some changes with Warden.

この新しいアップデートの詳細については、, 以下のリリースノートをチェックしてください.

Samurai Shodown Update 2.424 パッチノート


  • Resolved an issue where the game would shut down when it is unable to obtain a player’s avatar icon.
  • Resolved an issue with unintended character behavior resulting from Weapon Flipping after landing a multi-hit projectile.

Improvements Made to Characters

  • WardedVanguard’s Advance: Resolved a movement issue that occurs after a successful parry.


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