狙撃ゴースト戦士 3 Will Finally Get Multiplayer Modes

CI Games has finally made a move regarding Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. This game has always had the potential to become an excellent multiplayer game. したがって, 狙撃ゴースト戦士 3 will receive multiplayer modes so players can enter the proving grounds of whos a better sniper warrior.

つまり, Sniper Ghost Warrior is a fascinating game to play but was missing a multiplayer mode, and the dev team is sorry for that. CI Games has been trying to bring the multiplayer mode to Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 since the beginning. でも, issues like bugs and glitches have been holding them down. 今, when everything is almost ready and fixed, the game will receive three new multiplayer modes.

Having everything ready, the new multiplayer modes will come on January 26, 2018.

Sniper Ghost Warrior will receive three new multiplayer game modes:

  • Bounty hunter, which will test your survival and risk managing skills, more risk = more reward!
  • 狙撃兵, which will require high reflexes!
  • Classic Team Deathmatch, all in!

さらに, it will get:

  • Four maps, each one is set in a unique environment, and they vary in size
  • Two additional exclusive maps included in the Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass for a total of 6 地図
  • Over ten weapons that will give you unique possibilities
  • Over ten gadgets to help you in your quest for victory
  • 以上 15 different characters to choose from with various outfits for different environments
  • Players will be able to get camouflages as they progress through the multiplayer journey.


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.