

ワーナーブラザーズ. 日本は、筒井哲也の漫画「ノイズ」を実写映画化すると発表した。 2022. 藤原啓太さんが泉啓太役、松山ケンイチさんが田辺潤役で出演することも発表されました。. 日本の実写映画デスノートで主演した二人の俳優.

The film is directed by Hiroki Ryuichi, and the screenplay is written by Kataoka Sho. The music is being composed by Yoshihide Tomo.

Noise debuted on Grand Jump in December 2017, and Shueisha released the third and final volume in March 2020.


Tetsuya Tsutsui previously published the manga Prophecy (Yokokuhan) on Jump X in 2011, finishing it in August 2013. Vertical published the manga in three volumes, each of which contained three volumes of the manga series.

から 2014 に 2015, Fumio Obata’s Yokokuhan: The Copycat manga was published in Jump X. In June 2015, a live-action film based on Prophecy (Yokokuhan) 解放された.

About Noise

The thriller manga story takes place in a rural hunting town that has seen its population dwindle over time due to aging and migration. でも, when the city begins to produce a product known asblack fig,” it begins to bring money and opportunities back to the city. The story begins when Keita Izumi, the caretaker of a black fig plantation, encounters a man with an unsuitable air for the city.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.