
Vinland Saga Episode 22 発売日とネタバレ: これまでにわかっていること

Canute and the others just arrived in the Yorvick Village and as expected, someone is planning to kill him. 幸運, Askeladd has already planned something which saves the lives of Prince Canute.

Thorfinn chased the suspect and killed him, where he also meets his Leif, Thors old friend. The two got a short conversation and Thorfinn revealed that he will avenge his father’s death. What could be the next event in the Vinland Saga anime? Who will be the next person to get killed?

When is the Vinland Saga Episode 22 発売日?


The Vinland Saga anime is usually releasing a new episode every Monday, 意味, Thorfinn fans will be able to see him and the others back in action on December 16, 2019.

に ヴィンランド・サガ エピソードを見る 22, you need to head to Amazon. 現在, Amazon is exclusively streaming the anime. You need to be an Amazon Prime subscriber which costs $8.99 毎月. Some may find it a bit pricey but don’t worry, Amazon is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. Watch Vinland Saga anime from ここ.

What to expect in Vinland Saga Episode 22?


ノート: The following contents are the spoilers of the upcoming episode referenced from the Vinland Saga manga. 自己責任で読み続けてください.

の合計があります 24 episodes in this season, and now that we’re already on Episode 22, expect to see more intense actions and revelations in the anime.

The upcoming episode will reveal that King Sweyn is planning to take on Prince Canute but his soldier has been outsmarted. There will be a scene of soldiers talking in a hall discussing why Prince Canute was being targetted knowing that King Sweyn was on the same village.

同時に, Askeladd revealed that the assassination was planned. Askeladd also mentioned to never trust Gunir since he could a spy from the enemy. Askeladd asked Thorfinn to tail Gunir and learned that he went to King’s Manor.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.