
ウォッチ・ドッグス: レギオン – 武器スキンと車両ペイントジョブの購入方法

他のオープンワールド ビデオ ゲームと同じように, ユービーアイソフトの最新作『ウォッチドッグス』: Legion では、プレイヤーがゲーム内の武器や乗り物をカスタマイズできるようになります. いつものように, players need to spend some in-game money to get these customizations.

ウォッチドッグスで: レギオン, players can customize the weapon skins and also do some vehicle make-overs. If you’re wondering how to buy the skins for your weapons and paint jobs for your vehicle this guide is for you.

Please note that purchasing some new weapon skins and vehicle paints will unlock the trophy called the silver trophy called美学についてのすべて” と “鞭を巻き直す“.


Unlockable Trophies

  • 美学についてのすべて

  • 鞭を巻き直す

Check out how to obtain all the other trophies and achievements from our ウォッチ・ドッグス: レギオンガイド.

How to Buy Weapon Skins and Vehicle Paints

To buy these customizations and obtain the two silver trophies, you need to open the Team Menu and select any character equipped with any weapon. Click X on PlayStation 4 and A on Xbox One to edit the character.

Once the character interface shows up, look on the right side and select the weapon. Edit the weapon by pressing triangle on PS4 or Y on Xbox One. 今, you will see the skins available for that weapon. Select the skin that you want and hit the purchase button. Upon making your first purchase, you will get the “美学についてのすべてtrophy.

For the vehicle, select any character with available vehicle. Do the same process when you but the weapon skin. After making your first vehicle paint job, you will unlock the trophy called鞭を巻き直すon your PS4.

プロのヒント: It is highly recommended to buy the cheapest skins and paint jobs as you will be needing 100,00 money to buy clothes and obtain the trophy called “新鮮なスレッド”.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.