Are you wondering how you can survive in the world of zombies in Witte’s Studio’s newest zombie video game, KeepUp Hunter? Well, you should really prepare yourself for the wave of zombies that will try to eat your brains. To help you survive in this new zombie game, we’re here to give you all the KeepUp Hunter controls that you should know.
KeepUp Hunter has partial controller support, and whether you’re going to play with a mouse and keyboard or a gamepad controller, you will find every action control here. Read on as we lay out all the important key bindings and shortcuts that you should know about KeepUp Hunter.
KeepUp Hunter Controls
Before we begin, keep in mind that these default KeepUp Hunter controls can be remapped in the settings section.
Function | Key |
Move Forward | W |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left | A |
Move Right | D |
Jump | Space |
Crouch | Right Ctrl |
Sprint | Left Shift |
Beat | E |
Fire | Left Mouse Button |
Aiming | Right Mouse Button |
Reload | R |
Weapon Slot 1 | Mouse Wheel Up |
Weapon Slot 2 | Mouse Wheel Down |
Camera (Spectator) | Left Alt |
Next Player (Spectator) | Right Mouse Button |
Previous Player (Spectator) | Left Mouse Button |
Use | F |
Chat | M |
Pause Menu | Esc |
Scoreboard | Tab |
For players who are planning to use a gamepad controller, here are the default buttons for you to defeat all the incoming hoard of zombies.
Function | Button |
Movement | Left Analog Stick |
Jump | A |
Crouch | B |
Sprint | LB |
Beat | RB |
Fire | RT |
Aiming | LT |
Reload | X |
Weapon Slot 1 | D-Pad Up |
Weapon Slot 2 | D-Pad Down |
Grenade | D-Pad Left |
Camera (Spectator) | Y |
Next Player (Spectator) | RB |
Previous Player (Spectator) | LB |
Use | X |
Chat | None |
Pause | Start Button |
Scoreboard | Select Button |
With all the KeepUp Hunter key bindings and controls listed above, you’re now ready to fight all of the zombies that will try to take you down. Prove your skills in the game and become the best zombie hunter.
Do you have any suggestions to improve this guide? Please don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section below.