트램 압력상해

압력상해 – 네비게이션 터미널 제어 터렛 시스템 설정 방법

A very simple tutorial about setting up a Navigation Terminal controlled turret system. You just need 1 atan component and 4 전선.

The Basic Design

  • Place atan component.
  • Navigation terminal: Velocity_x_out > atan component: Signal_in_x
  • Navigation terminal: Velocity y_out > atan component: Signal_in_y
  • Atan component: Signal_out > Turret: Position_in
  • Navigation terminal: Signal_out_1/2/3 > Turret: Trigger_in

And you are all set!

Using a periscope to control the turret automatically overrides the system so it’s very good.

This is best used with manual fire weapons, and with full auto, weapons use the design below.

Autofire Mode

필요할 것이예요 1 atan component, 1 memory component, 1 relay component, 그리고 6 전선.

  • Set up the same atan circuit above.
  • Navigation terminal: Signal_out_1/2/3 > Relay component: Toggle_state
  • Relay component: Check the box off saying: (is on)
  • Memory component: value=1
  • Memory component: Signal_out > Relay component: Signal_in_1
  • Relay component: Signal_out_1 > Turret: Trigger_in

Now it will fire in autofire mode.

These are simple circuits that you can use on your sub, 즐기다!

이 가이드는 압력상해 에 의해 작성되었습니다 Cengaver_. 여기에서 원본 간행물을 방문할 수 있습니다. 링크. 이 가이드에 대해 우려 사항이 있는 경우, 주저하지 마시고 연락주세요 여기.

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