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양고기 반대자 숭배 | 그들을 다루는 방법

There are lots of things that you need to maintain to have a successful cult. While you’re always doing your best, there are still some black sheep that will soon appear in your group. They are called Dissenter.

Having a Dissenter in your cult is a piece of bad news as they will surely bring your cult down. But how can you deal with them and maintain the faith of your other members in you? Read on as we guide you on how to deal with the Dissenter in Cult of the Lamb.

How to Deal with the Dissenter in Cult of the Lamb

There are several ways to deal with Dissenter in the game, and we will be breaking down each one of them to guide you.

The first method is by talking and slowly re-educating the Dissenter until they return to their normal selves. Reeducating a Dissenter will take some time. It is also worth noting that you can only reeducate once a day. Since a Dissenter may speak with the other followers, you need to lock him up. Level up the Divine Inspiration skill tree to unlock the prison.

Putting a Dissenter inside the prison will prevent them from speaking with the other members. This will also give you more freedom to reeducate them without worrying about them causing any problems or leaving the cult.

Another option that you can use to prevent further damage that a Dissenter may cause is by sacrificing them. You can either use Ascend Follower, Sacrifice of the Flesh, or Ritualistic Fight Pit. Among these three options, we least recommend using the Ritualistic Fight Pit, as the Dissenter may win the fight.

And that’s how you can deal with a Dissenter in your cult. For more Cult of the Lamb guides, 우리를 확인하십시오 Cult of the Lamb archive page.

저자 소개

Earl은 거의 모든 새로운 게임을 플레이하는 게이머 중 한 명입니다.. 하지만 그는 FPS와 오픈 월드 게임을 더 선호합니다..