
EchoBlade PC 키보드 및 게임패드 컨트롤

Developer and publisher Sunset Arctic Gamesnewest action-adventure game, 에코블레이드, has finally been released. Despite being only available on PC, as of the moment, many players have already started their journey through the game.

With the puzzle-combat dungeon that the game is offering, it’s not surprising to see why players are getting hooked on the game. If you’re planning to join the action, this guide will show you the full list of EchoBlade controls.

EchoBlade Controls

시작하기 전에, be reminded that you can change and remap these default EchoBlade key bindings and shortcuts. You can refer to the step-by-step guide below on how to remap the controls.

앞으로 움직이다
뒤로 이동에스
왼쪽으로 이동
오른쪽으로 이동해라
찾다Mouse Drag Up
회전하다Mouse Drag Left or Right
공격 / 불왼쪽 마우스 버튼
차단하다마우스 오른쪽 버튼
무기를 바꾸다마우스 휠
Make Noise마우스 가운데 버튼
대시 / Side Step에프
상호 작용이자형
EchoBlade Controls

지금, for the gamepad controller, here are the buttons that you should remember. Note that you can use any controllers in the game such as the Xbox controller and PlayStation controller.

기능엑스박스플레이 스테이션
움직임왼쪽 아날로그 스틱왼쪽 아날로그 스틱
둘러보기오른쪽 아날로그 스틱오른쪽 아날로그 스틱
공격 / 불RTR2
정지시키다메뉴 버튼옵션 버튼
무기를 바꾸다엑스정사각형
Make NoiseR3R3
대시 / Side Step
상호 작용와이삼각형
EchoBlade Gamepad Controls

How to Remap EchoBlade Controls

To change and modify the default EchoBlade key bindings, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Go to the Settings section of the game.
  2. Click the Keys option.
  3. 거기에서, you can change the default controls to your desired keys.

Changes will be saved automatically. You can restore the default key bindings and shortcuts by clicking theRestore defaults” 단추.

And this is everything you need to learn about the EchoBlade controls and shortcuts. 이 가이드를 개선하기 위한 제안 사항이 있으면 아래에 의견을 남겨주세요..

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