포트나이트 챕터 2: 포트나이트의 악몽

포트나이트 챕터 2: Destroy Haunted Household Furniture Guide

Fortnite has released a new set of challenges as part of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Fortnitemares event. One of the challenges this time requires players to destroy haunted household furniture.

This challenge is really easy to complete since you will be finding lots of haunted household furniture everywhere.

But to help you complete this task as fast as possible, we recommend you to go to a place where you will find lots of houses and buildings.

포트나이트 챕터 2: Haunted Household Furniture
포트나이트 챕터 2: Haunted Household Furniture

These haunted furnitures are often found inside the house. One of the best places where you can easily find and destroy haunted household furniture are the houses in Salty Springs.

Haunted furniture can be distinguished when it’s floating and covered with some smoke effect. To complete this task, you need to destroy 5 haunted furniture.

저자 소개

Earl은 거의 모든 새로운 게임을 플레이하는 게이머 중 한 명입니다.. 하지만 그는 FPS와 오픈 월드 게임을 더 선호합니다..