포르자 호라이즌 4 가이드: 골리앗 경주 및 트랙 잠금 해제 방법

So you came across the achievement list and you saw something related to Goliath. 다행스럽게도, you found us and from here, you’ll learn how to unlock The Goliath race and track.

There are few things to remember here. 첫 번째, unlocking tracks requires some experience, and this applies to unlock The Goliath race.

포르자 호라이즌 4
포르자 호라이즌 4

How To Unlock The Goliath Race

The first step is you need to find out where you actually at in terms of level. 그래서, you need to go to Horizon Life and go to My Horizon Life then look for the option there called Road Racing Series and check your current Level.

The Goliath is unlocked at level 20, so in order to get access to the track and races, you are required to do a lot of driving in terms of races.

Here’s a quick tip for you racers. We recommend doing a lot of driving and races in Holyrood Park Circuit. It’s one of the tracks where you can easily earn a lot of 경험 and gain levels.

So that’s all for now racers. Make sure to check our other 포르자 호라이즌 4 가이드 to help you out with your driving.

저자 소개

윌리엄은 자동차 매니아이다.. 그가 아직 어렸을 때, 그의 아버지는 항상 그를 F4 경주 대회에 데리고 옵니다.. 지금, 그는 레이싱 게임의 열렬한 팬이에요.