Pogo3D에서 맞춤형 챌린지를 만드는 방법

Seen those codes you can use to share custom challenges? This guide tells you how to make them.

Loading Challenge Codes

Challenges can be loaded from the “도전” button in the main menu. Codes look like this: ŧşƀŅźĨŬ5ƀľƀĞN4KŨ중 (try that code!)

Create an Assist Mode Save

To create challenges, you need a save file set to Assist Mode. This gives you access to the Flag tool, 를 사용하여 열쇠 (for checkpoint).

This save will start without any of the chapters unlocked, 하지만 걱정하지 마세요. you can use the SKIP button on the pause screen to get through to the part you want

Placing the Flag

While adventuring in Assist Mode, you can place a checkpoint whenever you want with ‘C’. you will respawn here until you move it, or clear the flag by holding ‘C’ ~을 위한 2 초.

Placing the Balloon

While your flag is placed you can Press ‘Bto place your balloon., 그런 다음 클릭 “장소” in the window.

Try to get the positioning right, because you’ll have to start all over if you want to move it after this.

Confirming The Balloon

Before you can share your code, you’ll have to prove that you can beat your own challenge, and in a reasonable amount of time.

go ahead and pop your balloon IN LESS THAN 60 SECONDS!!!

Copying The Code

After Popping your balloon with a best time under 60 초, press the ‘Bbutton to open the balloon menu.

You can just use your mouse to select and copy the code with CTRL-C, and paste it in any text box with CTRL-V

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